Tight budget? Bored with your current wardrobe and home accessories? Just want to stand out from the mall crowd? Creative Embellishing by Kayte Terry was written just for you. It contains “easy techniques and over 25 great projects.” The adorable headband on the cover is what really caught my eye what with headbands being all the rage now. It has a very Anthropologie feel to me.

The book starts with tools and techniques and a comprehensive section on sewing basics. This includes a variety of things such as hand-sewing, machine sewing, making pockets, patchwork, embroidery, crochet, felting, fabric printing, and basic appliqué. There are also simple directions for using beads, buttons, and sequins.

The rest of the book is divided into Garments, Accessories, and Home Furnishings. Each project is rated by its difficulty – Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. There is a complete material list for each one that includes metric as well as standard measurements. The instructions are detailed enough that even the advanced projects are easy to understand and follow.

This book really embraces the DIY culture that is so popular at the moment. Most of the garments and accessories have a romantic feel to them while the 5 or so home furnishings are more modern. There’s a youthful vibe to the book as a whole. If you’re looking for that little bit extra that makes you unique, look no further. Complete Embellishing can help.

To wrap up book week this is the book I'll be giving away. I'll be taking all the comments on the book review posts from this past week (including this one) at 8 pm central time this evening and drawing one name. That person will receive Complete Embellishing compliments of Anova Books.
Update: The book giveaway is now ended. I will post the winner first thing in the morning! Thanks, everyone, for playing!
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