You know how sometimes you just “connect” with somebody through an email or a blog post? You can tell that they “get” what you’re saying or that they have a similar experience or sense of humor? After trading emails with Jeanne Koesters of Road Rage Jewelry I felt like that. I knew Jeanne and I shared a similar aesthetic because I had come across some of her Road Rage jewelry and loved it. That’s what started the whole thing. I had to contact her about featuring it on here. With so many artists on my reading list I knew y’all would like it, too.
She’s the mother of three daughters and knows how hard it can be to get them to agree on anything. Well, unless it’s two of them ganging up on a third or all of them agreeing that some rule of Mom’s is silly. ;) I have two teenagers – one thirteen year old boy and one seventeen year old girl and they only thing they agree on is that there is never enough food in the house.
But when the Road Rage package came in they couldn’t wait to spread the contents all over the table and get started! I had to put my foot down and insist that we take turns picking charms, one at a time, and this time MOM goes first!

And then it was quiet except for the giggling and showing off. Oh, and the kids had fun, too. ;) The whole time I could picture a group of kids doing this for a birthday party/sleepover. Or a couple of best friends or sisters doing together. I would have fun making one with my daughter, my sister and her daughter. Jeanne had written this to me, “I know you will be sitting around with the kids laughing while you are creating them, and that, at their ages, is a blessing.” and she couldn’t have been more right.
The real beauty is in how unique every piece of finished jewelry is. You design your layout and put it together. When you’re tired of it, change it up. Are you a minimalist? Just wear the street sign. You like your “urban bling”? Pile it on! And you’re not limited to what you see on the Road Rage site. I added glass beads to mine and love it. Your creation is a reflection of your character. Any guesses what my street sign is saying about me?
The ball chain is fairly long but can easily snipped to a smaller length. Each of the charms comes with a quality jump ring and plenty of pre-drilled holes for attaching to the street sign and to each other (or beads or charms!)

The other earring says "Stop". I'm a woman. What can I say?
Another thing that I really like is the construction. This isn’t some cheap junk you picked up in the mall. Jeanne studied her target market and kept in mind their aesthetic and their concerns.
Road Rage Jewelry®:
*is manufactured of recycled lightweight aluminum
*these are actual street and road signs that can be found throughout the United States and abroad that have been scaled down to various sizes from ½” to 3.”
These are miniature street signs – no cheap bendy tin or plastic here.
“Jeanne Koesters, the sole managing member, is a working legal secretary and mother of three. While stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, contemplating how to raise funds to manufacture another product, she watched and listened to the other drivers yelling and thumping their steering wheels in anger.
Having passed a “Drive Safely” sign and silently repeating her customary prayer, she then started looking more closely at other street signage on under construction roads on the way to work. The variety of shapes and colors inspired her. Hence, Road Rage Jewelry® was born. She located a manufacturer (ISO certified) and commenced production of actual pieces of signage that she knew would appeal to both male and female; was affordable; and most importantly, would help realize a dream come true.
Additionally, Tallgirl3, LLC through Road Rage Jewelry®, has designated its “Drive Safely” and “Baghdad” series to “pay it forward.” A portion of the proceeds from the sales of these signs will be divided among charities identified through CharityNavigator.com and selected worthy fundraisers.”
Okay here’s the magic part. Jeanne was so kind as to send over 12 (TWELVE!) street sign necklaces for me to give away. Wanna get yer grubby mitts on one? Of course you do.
All you have to do is this:
2. You get one additional entry for each social networking site (your blog, Twitter, MySpace, etc.) you post this giveaway on. For Twitter it's as easy as hitting the "Tweet this" button at the bottom right of this post. Come back here and tell me where you posted it.
It's that easy. Good Luck!
You can follow Tallgirl3’s rants at because on the lighter side, we think it’s a must safer way to express yourself than flicking off other drivers. You can Tweet us at
, and become a fan at
. For even more info, connect with us at

from the site: "We said it before - no two people are alike and the same goes for Road Rage Jewelry®. Words and symbols can be a powerful (and funny!) way to express what you want to say. We at Road Rage Jewelry® love to laugh when we are designing them, and when we see what others have designed."
Update: Giveaway is now closed! Thank you all for entering. I will post the names ASAP.
Winners List:
BG "totally my real name"
Georgia Mist
Steve (please email me)
I grew up on Fidelis Way. Ah....memories. :)
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/gabriella82890
mentionsed your giveaway on my facebook fan page! http://www.facebook.com/#/pages/Ella-Arts/186540875840?ref=ts
"Dead End" ;) - no seriously! LOL however it now has the name 'Wesley Cox Road' a big name for a tiny little dirt path! LOL!
Brilliant! These necklaces are too bloody cute. I love it!
I grew up in a former Military base (from World War I!) and we lived on Soap Sud Alley! True story -- the women used to wash their clothes in the alley that led from HQ to the Mess hall!
I grew up in a former Military base (from World War I!) and we lived on Soap Sud Alley! True story -- the women used to wash their clothes in the alley that led from HQ to the Mess hall!
Shared on Facebook, too!
I can't remember the street names until I was 9. Then we moved to Somerset Rd. Not sure if I can enter (Canada) but these are so cute :)
I grew up on Paul Dr.
I grew up on Mardale Road...
not Mars-dale as I used to say when I was a child, although it seemed like Mars sometimes!
These necklaces are very clever!
I tweeted here http://twitter.com/fcffollower/status/6763479215
I posted about the signs/contest here: http://www.fabulouscanadianfreebies.com/forum/showthread.php?p=18925#post18925
(you may have to register,free, to see the post as this is a members-only section of the site)
Wesley St. nice giveaway!
Love 'em!!
I grew up on Cherry Street. Next street over was Butterworth. I mean, how can you NOT love that neighborhood?!
I tweeted here
blog link here
I shared this on my facebook page
Dry Fork Road
I grew up on Crystal Drive. It use to be called Crystal Lake and it always reminded me of the Jason/Friday the 13th Movies..lol
I Tweeted...
I actually grew up on a highway. Highway 264 to be exact in Belhaven, NC.
These necklaces are so coral(awesome). I love them. I grew up on rice lane.
These are amazing! A real fashion statement, too; not something you see everyday when you step out =D I remember Claudia Drive just because the signpost at the corner of the street got in the way when we tried to mow the lawn =)
kaiyukirin (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like. There's something about road signs that really grab my attention. The first street I remember living on was up close to the great lakes - Superior.
I grew up on Legrande Blvd.
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