I love mail art! There’s nothing better than getting something fun in the mail rather than bills. So naturally I flipped over Carolee Gilligan Wheeler and Jennie Hinchcliff’s new book, Good Mail Day. And I was lucky enough to score this author interview with Carolee from her publisher.
And at the end I’ll share some great mail art links as well as tell you how you can win a copy of the book!
What's the name of your book?
Good Mail Day: A Primer for Making Eye-Popping Postal Art
What's your book about?
Good Mail Day is about all of the wonderful ways to utilize the postal service (a medium that many have thought fallen out of favor) to send creative, unique mail and mail art to friends and strangers all over the world. We take new users through simple ways to create more individual and interesting pieces of mail, from the humble postcard to mail-able sculptures, and then we introduce them to the finer points of working within the Mail Art network.
How long have you been doing this type of craft or art?
I would honestly say that I have been making mail art since high school, when I had a variety of pen-pals that I discovered through the pen-pal section of my favorite band’s Fan Club. Those people introduced me to the idea of friend books (essentially an add-and-pass in the fine mail art tradition) and the idea of making one’s mail as distinctive and artistic as possible. Within were letters, yes, but also drawings, mix tapes, and even things like 100 plastic ants. People prided themselves on how unusual they could make their mailings, which were essentially to complete strangers. The only comparable level of dedication I’ve seen since has been with mail artists. I became more interested in mail art as its own medium (separate from mere letter-writing, in which I was still engaged) when I met Jennie in 2004 and we started sending things to one another.
What inspired you to write Good Mail Day?
Jennie {Hinchcliff} and I have been engaged in our project, Pod Post, since we met, and Pod Post is, purely and simply, correspondence-obsessed. We have sold stationery sets and mail art kits, as well as mail art bentos filled with tags, labels, stickers, and postal rubber stamps that we bought on a trip to Japan and assembled in little bento boxes (complete with fake sushi grass!). Our Pod Post logo incorporates the international symbol for Post. Pretty much everything Pod Post does has to do with mail and mail art. So it was a natural fit, and since we continually meet people who say, “Oh my gosh, people still SEND MAIL?” we jumped at the chance to show them all of the wonderful ways they can incorporate their love of collage, or typography, or illustration—you name it—into making and sending exciting mail art. Doesn’t everyone love to get REAL mail? Most people I know do. And the first rule of the Mail Art Network is that if you want to get great mail, you have to send great mail. We thought maybe people just needed a little nudge, and the book could serve that purpose.
What makes your book different?
Most of the mail art books I’m familiar with have been out-of-print for a long time, and other correspondence-related books seem to focus on either card-making or penmanship or something of a more specific nature. With mail art I think you get the entire package. At its best, it’s 100% handmade, completely unique to the sender, and definitely the kind of thing you want to keep. And unlike more traditional fine arts, mail art is still really affordable, especially in the United States, where you can send off a gorgeous piece of mail art for as little as a postcard stamp. I also hope people will notice the incredible variety of the mail art we received for submission, all of it received through a traditional mail art call-for-entries. There are so many styles in there that it’s my hope that everyone who sees it will understand that anyone can make mail art, it can take as little as ten minutes, and there’s room for everyone’s personal vision.
Who will most enjoy or benefit from this book?
Everyone! Seriously. Well, anyone who likes making things. A wood-whittler could make really exciting mail art! The most natural extensions of their crafts will be for calligraphers, illustrators, collage and scrapbook artists, printmakers, photographers, painters, typography and design nerds, philatelists, junk-hoarders, origami enthusiasts…. Honestly. Name a craft, and I could probably think of a way that it could be applied to mail art. Beyond that, we’re just looking for the people who say, “I remember when I used to get the best mail…”.
When and where will your book be available?
It's available right NOW! You can get it at Barnes and Noble, Borders, Amazon, and any number of craft stores.
Were there contributors to this book? If so, who were they?
We received a very large number of contributions through a call-for-entries and included nearly everyone in this book. They run the gamut—from friends and acquaintances who said “What’s mail art, again? Well, I guess I could do that…” to seasoned mail art networkers and paper crafters. There are far, far too many to list here.
Be sure to read up on the history of mail art at Wikipedia. It might surprise just how far it goes back. Then, check out the mail art at the following links.
Do you know of any others? Do share.
Now, wanna win a copy of the book? You get one entry for commenting on this post. But, wait! There’s more! Taking a cue from several blogs I’ve read recently I’ll also give you additional entries if you post about this giveaway on 1. Your blog 2. Your Twitter 3. One Other Social Networking Site. That’s a total of 4 possible entries. Just come back here and let me know that you posted about it and where. We’re on the honor system. :)
I’ll keep the comments open until Sunday evening 6 pm central time. Good luck and go forth and create mail art!
great giveaway! I have this book on my wish list!
posted giveaway on my Facebook:)
ooooh I'd love to win the book.
Posted a message on Twitter and Facebook.
Don't know how to post the link to facebook since it doesn't show unless we're "friends".
Ok, after reading this interview... I TOTALLY want this book!!! :) GREAT post! Off to post to my FB, my twitter, AND my blog! :) Thanks for the opportunity to win. ~Becky~
ohhhh. It looks like such a yummy book!!!!
YAY! I LOVE mail art. Would love a peek at the book. :)
Oooh I love the Postal Pod Ladies! I have ordered their "Bento boxes" which are beyond fab before but didn't know they had a book out! Would love to win a copy!
Mail art is like Christmas any time of year - what's more fun than that? :)
The book looks and sounds interesting.
I love mail art and would love to read how some 'experts' do it. Pls pls pls.
There on FB too
Thank you for this opportunity to get my hands on this book! I've been wanting to order it... lol
I posted this giveaway to my Facebook and my blog!
Thank you!
I posted on my twitter (apothecuriosity) my blog:
which will also post to my Facebook http://www.facebook.com/bellaumbra?ref=profile
It's through Network Blogs so it may take a few mins before the post shows up ;)
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Looks wonderful! Thanks for this awareness. Great interview!
Heading off to post on my facebook right now!
This book sounds awesome! thanks for the chance to win it! :)
Awesome looking book! I love mail art and this sounds so wonderful! I also posted it on my facebook - facebook.com/casiemetcalf - and I'll be adding a blog shortly!
Thank you, Casie
I have seen this book and it is on my list to get - hope I can win it! Awesome!
Thank you for the article!
P.S. I love mail art!
Posted to Facebook!
and on my blog!
That looks like a really awesome book!!
I just posted about it on my facebook!!!
Sounds like really cool book. Love to go into the draw. I have posted a link to this post on my Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=779038178&ref=name
Fantastic!!!! I'll be posting on my Facebook, twitter and blog!! gosh I love mailart too!!! and on a few Yahoo mailart groups as well!!
looks like a great book, thanks for the opp! I reposted on my facebook and twitter feeds!
this looks like just what i need! here's fingers crossed!
Love the idea of mail art and would love to become involved in participating. I have posted to twitter at http://twitter.com/CindyPettigrew
and on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/cindy.pettigrew?ref=name
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
p.s. also posted on facebook!
How exciting! I would love to win the book and I have posted about it on Twitter, Facebook and my blog. Count me in. Great interview too.
Oh I would LOVE to win a copy of this book, I do mail art projects in the art classes i teach and this would be so great to show examples from!
I posted on my blog and the RSS feed will post it on both my personal page, my fan page and twitter.
I hope lots of people see it and buy it!
Any excuse to stop what I am doing in the course of a day and really be surprised by unexpected art or natural beauty ~ I love the way that you transform the daily "OMG, what am I going to get in the mail today (sigh)?)" rut into one of joyful expectancy (or surprise by joy!) Love this, and would love a copy of your book too!!!
Awesome giveaway - who WOULDN'T want this book!!
OH I sooo hope I am the lucky winner. I could use a good new art book....AND being married to a postal worker, and knowing that the USPS is started to lose money do to the internet etc, and that Saturdays delivery is going to come to an end. MAIL ART helps keep the USPS running, and therefore is job security for the thousands of postal workers! CREATE AND MAIL-ON!!
I linked this to my Facebook.
Here's the link:
Thanks, Susan
Oh cool. I just read about this book tonight while I was looking at my new copy of Papy, Scissors, Cloth magazine.
I will post on Facebook and join your blog.
I love art of all kinds.
Have a great weekend.
wonderful book. I believe I probably have many friends who have contributed. I would absolutely adore winning a copy of this book and plan to do some mail art as soon as I find the time (hopefully SOON). I'm excited - haven't done any in a long time.
and I've just posted to my twitter & face book http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=675398792&ref=profile
This book looks like a lot of fun. My hubby actually said to me today "you are in so many swaps cause you love to get mail, don't you?" So true!
thanks for sharing the book.
count me in. this is the perfect christmas gift for one of my best friends, who already sends me cards and envelopes worthy of an art opening.
and maybe it is a perfect anyday gift for myself.
Would love to read the new book!!! Who doesn't love Mail Art?
I am posting here..
and my blog.
I love, love, love, mail art.
fondly, Nancy
sounds like a great book! i have a lot of mail art saved from my hs days...makes me want to start up again! :)
what a fun give away! I'd love to win a copy of the book!
Wow what a fab looking book- I've been doing Mail Art for around three years now- mainly ATC's and inchies and its simply awesome to get such great stuff in the mail!
Will be posting this on my Facebook in a mo! http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/boatbird?ref=profile
Sending mail that is NOT electronic or does NOT involve squinting at a cellphone screen - what a great idea! I just recently received a hand-drawn postcard from a blog friend - and it is just so special. Onward the revolution!! PS Of course I would love to get this book ...
What a fabulous book!! What a glorious idea...I would love to win this (but it's going on my to buy list regardless!). I posted about it on facebook though I'm not sure you'll see it -- I'll send a friend request!
This looks to be a fun book! Great interview! I posted a link to this article on my facebook.
I have had it on my wishlist and I went back to amazon today and drooled over it some more, great stuff! I would love to own this book. :)
Oooo...what a great book! I posted about this on my Facebook page and on my Twitter profile, also in a blog post: http://blancobunnyblog.blogspot.com/2009/10/book-giveaway.html
Thanks for the chance to win this book!
Mail art is so much fun!
I just posted about this giveaway on my Twitter account!!
I just posted about it on my blog too!! This would be a really cool book to win!! :)
Wow! That looks like a great book!! I would love to win!
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