Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Free Printable Artist-made Gift Tags - over 135 Sheets Worth! (Text Only)

(For preview images please click here for the image-heavy version.)

I haven't purchased gift tags in 3 years. And, no, it's not because I just write the recipient's name straight on the package with Sharpie. Ever since I discovered that many artists on the web design and upload free printable gift tags to share with readers, I've been hooked. I can print them out at a moment's notice. They can be customized/chosen to fit the individual. They are far cooler than anything I've found in a store. Oh, and both my teenagers love to use them and recipients love to... well... receive them. :)

At the beginning of December I just make sure I have ink for my printer, tape, scissors, cute ribbon or twine, and cardstock. Many people suggest that you use a good quality paper. I have had good luck with just a standard bright white cardstock and the "best" quality print setting on my printer.

Some of the tags and labels included are not specifically designed for the Christmas/holiday season. Either they were too pretty to pass up or it didn't matter. It's like saying you can't use solid pink wrapping paper for your gifts because it's not Christmas-y enough. Bah, humbug.

Most of the tags below come with multiples to a sheet. Some of them are just a single image. In that case you will want some type of graphic software to fit more on a sheet and maximize the use of your paper. I personally use CorelDraw. I believe some people use Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.

A note here: Out of the 128 sheets of tags that I found (this does not count any tags that may be added to the original post) I only found one with a Terms of Use. Kathy from Green Zebra Studio has kindly given me permission to quote her TOU here.

"This file and printed materials are for personal use only. Neither may be redistributed in any way without the artist's permission. This includes, but is not limited to sharing, selling, reselling and altering."

This doesn't mean that, by neglecting to include a TOU, any of the other artists are giving permission for a person to share, sell, resell or alter (except add a name) their tags. Please respect the artist's intellectual property. Consider the above terms applicable unless you have contacted the artist and received express permission for some other use.

These tags have been compiled from the past few years. I have not yet searched specifically for the 2009 tags. Do you know of some I've missed? Do share them in the comments and I'll add them. And feel free to share this page with others. :)


Gift Tag Additions Page #1

New Tags from Amy Butler Coming Soon
Amy Butler