Monday, July 6, 2009

Book Giveaway Winners!

That's right, I said winners, as in two. The first name chosen was my sister's which, while totally fair, seemed a little biased. I already have a package ready to go out to her with a book in it. :) So I went ahead and had the boy draw another name. And that name is

Melanie of ScrapMel's Ramblings! yay! Email me your address and I'll get Complete Embellishing in the mail to you.

Thanks for reading all week!


  1. I just emailed you! I am excited (since I never win anything ... except a Billy Joel album when I was 10 ... and that has been a LONG time ago...)

  2. Congrats Melanie, it is about time you won something.
    And to your sister too!

  3. I swear I didn't blackmail my sister with threats of spilling the beans on all those embarrassing teenage memories!

    Thanks, sis! Your blog is wonderful and thank you for all your hard work on these book reviews... I really enjoyed book week and am sad its over. Maybe you can have a "First Friday" and review a book for us once a month :) I for one would love it!

  4. It has been awhile since Billy Joel had an album, hasn't it? ;)

  5. Watch it, Miss Tanya Dawn!

    Hmmmm... that's a pretty good idea. I still have a pile of books so it may have to be more than once a month. :)
