Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Favorites #5 - Process

Topic over at Journal Pages today is Process.

"Process... how do you go about making a page? Do you just jump in and create a page start to finish? Do you paint several pages ahead of time so that you have semi-finished “pretty” pages to write on when you’re ready? Is it something you’ve never really consciously thought about?"

I tend to paint several pages first. Then I'll go back and put images down. Do some doodling and scribbling. Then I'll journal when the urge hits me. Here are some of my pages in progress.

Just a plain and dirty painted background.

Painted backgrounds with papers bordering the edges. I like the last one so much I'm having trouble adding any images or even text to it. :)

Here I've added some images, ephemera, text from magazines. The blue one has lettering done with a marker.

These have some freehand doodling.

And these are all finished pages. As you can see I'm not snobbish about what I use in my journals, either. It can be anything from scrapbook paper to vintage labels to a dirty sketch I wanted to keep.

What's your technique?


  1. Amazing what a dirty background can create! I love them all! I wish I could just dive into a painting and be messy!lol And then in the end have something beautiful turn out.

  2. These are cool Francie! Thanks for sharing your link on FB, that is how I found you!

    I am getting ready to post a similar progression on my blog...just have to get working!

  3. it's not always beautiful! sometimes it's just dirty and messy. lol but that's at least half the fun. :D

  4. thanks, Jo Anne! i'd love to see them. i really liked your pages from artfest. :)

  5. hello awesome cool journal pages!! i loooove these! your banner looks so cool, i love the hugs size (i painted mine teeny weeny) - it's a very fun banner indeed and made me SMILE! em xo

  6. I'm glad I found your blog Francie, and now I'll find you on facebook too. I can see why you don't want to add anything more to the one painted page with paper borders. It is indeed beautiful as is.
